Hey people, well this edit was actually a pretty fast one, there wasn't as much text as I thought but yeah this is a story about a dude who has a school girl maid who he hates, the girl does all this sexual stuff for him (more like he gets her to do it) and he never actually fucks her cause he's afraid of cumming too fast I guess. Well check it out and find out what happens. This is one of my "Other Projects" just to let you all know, Setebos commissioned for a text from brolen and I edited it for him, theres 2 more I'm gonna do for him later on. Anyways next up is Raped mother chap 2 which I WILL be releasing it on Friday I'm pretty much done just need to finish up a few pages and the credits. Ohhh and another thing I've added the Yamahime and Ruri Shoku No Sora donor projects, theres 1 more I will be putting up. The Masae 2 part hmanga by Sanbun which I will put up sometime next week.
So, she is a school girl *and* a maid? Are you trying to make us all have a heart attack? :-)
Thanks for this.
The old double whammy, you can find schoolgirl/maids in certain parts of Hentai world. This is a great short, Seto is awesome. Wish he did more work. Thanks Brolen; Fayt, great edit as usual.
Fayt thanks. Site is great.
Maby thanx Fayt and Setebos.
setebos and his handicap love fetish, another great find. keep looking for them. thanks
One of the hottest shit i´ve read i awhile, this guy is good.
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