Sunday, December 6, 2009

[Jamming] It Ejaculates in the Teacher Chap 3

Hey all, well sorry, a little late, but better than never. Let's get right into it, in this chapter we get to see the english teacher. I'm really feeling this teacher, she just handles the students so easily and she's just wild! Lots of action in this one and man talk about a bukkake, she just takes those loads like there nothing. I'm definitly loving this series. Many thanks to Peterg and Brolen. On to news... ummm just a reminder, Yoshio will still be doing chapter 6 of T&S. I've got the cleaned version of angraecum (Thanks to KaKun for the help on that), so I'll be scheduling the next chapter for editing some time in the near future. I'm actually currently thinking of a setup for the raw site.. its not gonna be easy, plus I'm a little worried of not having enough space on my comp to keep all the raws... plus having to upload all the raws that are out there so far lol. So I'm not even sure about the idea, either way it'll have to wait until after exams. Next up is Azure Sky.. which could be on tues or wed. So for now

DF / UP / MF


Ehud said...

Many thanx Fayt, Peterg and Brolen. Jamming is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Good work Fayt, here's an idea for your hard drive problem, have you ever though about a portable hard drive, they hold over 3 times a computer hard drive does and you can save endless supply of work you done

Anonymous said...

Oh you mean like an external hard drive? But aren't those expensive? And like is there a way to password protect the external hard drive or something like that, maybe just the files (just in case any friends or kids use it)?

Ehud said...

Fayt, external hard drives are quite cheap these days. I use 1 terabytes verbatim external hard drive (1000 g), and it cost me, in my expensive country, about 150$. I'll bet it much cheaper now.
Frankly, i'm kind of astonished that you don't use already external hard drives. It so convenient.

Orez said...

Man I think I am getting into this one too, so thank Fayt, Peterg and Brolen
@Fayt External hard drives aren't that expensive and they are very convenient too. My 500 GB is full so I am buying myself a bigger one for New Years present. That "work related" project are really space consuming :).

JukanX said...

For encryption, Truecrypt is usually a good choice.

If you're buying a 3.5" hard drive I'd consider shopping for one with a e-SATA interface if your computer has the related port, as transfer speeds are approx. twice faster than USB2; you'll be grateful for it when transferring those work related projects over.
Just keep in mind that portable hard drives while convenient are also more prone to theft (as it happened to me recently), loss or accidents so a backup is even more advisable than with internal drives.

Temyo said...

Well it’s kind of long but bottom line is the classic wife with the boring husband. But the wife suffers rape at hands of the boss (genma) and her coworker from her office (Yoshio).
Ill say wife to refer to the main character from now on and surnames for the rest bcs I don’t understand the real ones. =P
The boss asks Yoshio to turn her in a slave so he can use it in his underground business. That is as you can imagine to gang bang wifes.
The first part is about how Yoshio steals her from the husband. He even makes her scream in pleasure while the husband is hearing at the phone.
The end of the first part is with her getting pregnant. The second part starts with a little girl taking a bath with Yoshio, and it’s the daughter of the once "wife".
He takes the wife to the roof to screw her but a guy in a near building takes some video of them and blackmails her to some sex, the catch is that at the same time "the wife" is being raped, Yoshio gets the visit of two girls that work with the guy who took the video and "rape" him two.
So the job of these girls is to distract Yoshio while the guy who took the video tries to make her, his slave.
She ends been used for random guys and its seems the classic ending but the guy who took the video lets Yoshio to have sex with her and he trained her so well that Yoshio is able to change her back the way she used to be with him.
Then Yoshio kills the two girls and the guy who took the video saying that any lowscumbag could take his slave from him.
The third part goes with a female coworker of her that catches the boss and Yoshio raping her and tries to stop them but as you may suppose it’s actually consensual so the one that ends been raped by the 3 it’s her.
The 3rd part ends with an orgy in which you see the boss, Yoshio, the female coworker, the husband of the female coworker and "the wife"
The last chapter it’s pretty much the wife been used over and over in the boss business where yoshio is usually around enjoying himself.
Is also when Yoshio decides that its time to add the daughter of "the wife" to the business. So Yoshio and the wife rape the young teenager and they pretty much starts to train her.
On the last pages "the wife" is pregnant again and says something like she is so happy or something but the boss says to her that right now she has a lot of costumers so she needs to abort the baby. The boss even calls a clinic or something but she takes something that looks like a piece of pipe and she smashes the skull of the boss.
The last we see of her is with a baby in her arms and a crazy look on her face. Not sure what it says but it seems like you will be a nice slave.

Anonymous said...


What series are you referring to?

Temyo said...

Its Sacrifice Wife from Hirohisa Onikubo. 4 Volumes and some side stories out there. But what I told before is pretty much the story for it.

It was a request. They asked to know about the story in it but it was too much for the shout box =P