Wednesday, June 3, 2009

[Hiroshi Itaba] 10 Nenbun Okasu Chap 3-4

You know I was going to get this story translated a month ago but decided to hold it off.. anyways theres no credits on this, so I'm not sure who translated it, but to the person that did, thanks! I like to try and keep the cheating theme on my blog, cause well it's my kind of stuff to read in these hmangas.. so yeah, this is a cheating one.. the thing about this is that even though the husband is cheating on the wife, seeing the wife cheat on him seems more hurtful.. I donno why but to me seeing men cheat on girls (in these mangas) doesn't seem so bad.. but when a girl does it, its absolute killer. So yeah check it out and let me know what you think.



redbone said...

hahaha, maybe you're a closet masochist and thats why you like netorare so much, lol

Anonymous said...

where's chapter 1 and 2?

Anonymous said...

redbone< haahha hellllllll no, I don't like pain at all.. netorare is about cheating not masochist stuff.. so completely different things. the reason I like netorare is because most of the time the women are sluts, which I really like.

Anonymous said...

this isnt really netorare, just because the husband deserved what he got, real netorare is when the husband is the good guy which is not the case here

leon_great said...

yeah.. i love it. thanks fay for sharing.. :D

Yoshio said...

feeling that it's more acceptable for men to cheat than it is for women speaks pages about our society...

Molenir said...

Have to admit, I like the cheating theme when the husband is crap like in this. When he isn't, or when the girl is being raped or blackmailed, I can't stand it.

This one was good though.

polaya said...

@Anonymous: NTR is not limited to that. It's all about playing with the feelings of the girl or guy who are already betrothed/has a relationship to another. In eroge, some are labeled NTR even if the husband didn't make an appearance.

Anyway, thanks fayt. I also like themes like these, keep them coming.

redbone said...

^ yeah I agree, my earlier comments were mostly directed at posts our host made at another blog thats devoted to nothing but netorare, at said blog there's a better definition of ntr and how its broken down into sub-categories(mother-ntr, sister-ntr) and such as well as some recommended reading.

Anonymous said...

THANKS i love Hiroshi Itaba cheating histories, now hopefully saha continue translating the rest of chapters of Kyoko Wife