Monday, June 15, 2009

[Teri Terio] Glasses School Chap 2

Without further ado I present to you Glasses School Chap 2! I know many of you have been waiting for this, and I guarentee this will not disappoint you, in this chapter, which is part 2 of the first part, we see that the dude and the girl are dating now, they guy however gets a little jealous and well he makes his girlfriend pay the price haha check it out, there is some funny scenes in this, I hope you all like the editing, I must say Glasses School is not easy to edit at all.. espicailly this chapter.. soo many bloody floating text which was annoying... so yeah, thanks to the donors for donating to this. So... next up is readiness and also just wanted to let you all know I've added a new oneshot donor project by Maybe.. check it out if your interested.



matias067 said...

is Brolen again the translator of this?

Anonymous said...

Yes. Theres credits in there, is there anything wrong with Brolen?

Zathael said...

I have been looking forward to this ever since chapter 1 was released around 3 weeks ago. Thank you Fayt and Brolen for another awesome chapter!

Oliver said...

Hello there,

I reply to the comment you left on my blog, no problem with me waiting before I share it.

If you don't want me to share it at all on my blog, it's no problem either, whatever your reasons are, as one of the publishers your law is the law ;)
(well, I hope you won't ask that ^^;;)


Setebos said...

Glasses School ch. 2, Brolen translates, Fayt edits, Zathael and Haohmaru donate,
everybodies Happy! Thanks one and all, looks great.

Anonymous said...

Zathael< Wow... it was that long ago.. Sorry it took so long, but yeah it was worth the wait I hope lol.. I think in the future I'll try something else with how I schedule my releases.. (Maybbbeee I might do 2 chapters at a time) but yeah I kinda like how I go in a circle and cause it changes the content of manga I release instead of one genre all the time, you know.

Oliver< Thanks man, Don't worry I'm not mean enough to not let you release it on you blog.

Molenir said...

If I could say something to the girl in this chapter, it would be something like this...

You need to break up with this abusive loser who beats you. Need a decent man girl, not this lowlife loser. Now that your a glasses girl, plenty of better guys out there to choose from, go get one of them to comfort ya. They'll treat you right, rather then beating you like your current loserboy does just cause he doesn't like other guys lookin at ya.

Zathael said...

Don't worry too much about the three weeks thing, you shared *15* other pieces of work during that time. It's not like we can complain about a lack of material. It would be nice if you could release new chapters of Glasses School a bit more often though, because otherwise it will be about 6 months before this is all done. :)

Yeah, the guy turned into a *Total Jackass* in this chapter. The drawings were still great though, and the girl does look better with glasses. :) I do wish the scenario had been a bit more happy though. But I think the next chapter switches stories, so hopefully it will have a nicer plot.