Saturday, May 16, 2009

[Sekiya Asami] Your Dog

Hey people, ok well I'm going to release the 11th chapter of season of sougetsu later on in a few hours from now. But before that I would like to post up a loli manga, been a while since we've seen this type so yeah, this one was translated by BiriBiri, haven't read the full thing but it's about a girl who is depressed and hates school, so she ends up having sex for cash I believe, and well the dude video tapes it and the girl starts to fall for the guy and vice versa.. I guess you can say this is a bit of a love story kinda... haha I'm a bit lazy today to go into anymore detail so just read it yourselves, I'm sure it'll be good for most of you anyways it seems cute.. you know the drill people...


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