Monday, May 18, 2009


Hey there all,

Just wanna give you another list of what I'm working on and of what to expect.

- Finishing off Season of Sougetsu
- Raped Mother Chap 0-2
- Readiness Chap 1-2 (waiting for chap 2 translation)
- Sayuki no Sato Chap 3-4 (waiting for chap 4 translation)
- Chokyogakuen Chap 1-2 (waiting for chap 1-2 translation)
- Glasses School Chap 1 (waiting for chap 1 translation)
- My Own Special Oneshot Commission
- Teacher and Student Chap 4 (will be doing all chapters but for now waiting for Chap 4 translation)

Those are the works I've got lined up.. again no real order.. but two things for sure is I wanna get season of sougetsu out of the way by the end of this week.. and I wanna get Chap 0 of raped mother done. With season of sougetsu out of the way I can really get things going. So people look forward to these.. and also thanks to all the donors who have donated to the projects so far!

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