Hmmm I must say, I STILL don't see this as a hentai manga at all lol. I gotta be completely honest, I'm not a fan of Fuuga's art style at all. In fact to me it seems old school, however I know that many many people love Fuuga's art style and the storylines in the manga. I will say this though, I do love the humor in this, espicially with how the teacher acts like such a child at times, it's pretty jokes. Oh also, the preview pick above is actually my favourite part of the whole chapter.. the teacher looks sexy in her bra and underwear. Ok well, in this chapter we see some drama and a bit of a cliffhanger ending. So, many thanks to my partner in crime, Yoshio for translating this for free. Again if you wanna thank him you can leave a comment here or in the shoutout box. And on to some news, I'll be back on monday but, not sure if I'll post my next release then, if not then tuesday for sure.
Many thanx Fayt and Yoshio. I was waiting so much for this one. Such an awesome story. I wish the releases would be a bit faster.
I don't know about every one else I like FUUGA work because he does Happy Sex stories He doesn't just does oneshots but stories that are happy. I don't like gangbangs or rape.
I'm ok with Fuuga. I just don't really consider it hentai at all.
I love it, it's my favourite Fuuga work after the first part of Brother and Sister.
I'm pretty sure the Japanese consider this hentai, I'm wondering why you don't? I prefer story driven hentai as opposed to 'see female, let's fuck' stuff.
I'm with you Ehud, bring on more Fuuga!
Can't agree with you more Setebos. It's hentai and it's awesome. I can't get enough of this guy. He is such a talented guy, and his stories are always fascinating and interesting. He is one of my biggest favorites.
i like fuuga to not all hentai needs to be like sanbun.
Many thanks Fayt and yoshio, I love this story ^^ Hoping for faster release on the next chapter, the suspense (Of my penis) is killing me <.<
And yea, Fuuga gives a great relief of the usual "sex" driven hentai.
My only complaint about FUUGA is that Rika didn't get any!
But that aside, this is also my favorite work of him. Thanks Fayt.
Thanks for the work on this. I became a fan of Fuuga after learning of how the stories tie together in all of his volumes. It nice to see stories in hentai or ero-manga which ever term you perfer. I consider this the later and I'm glad to see the work on this continuing.
Hooray! Thanks a lot! :D
Fi... fi.. finallyyyyy!
Thx a lot, I've been waiting for this for a long time, and is the main reason I found your site, so thx to Fuuga, to you and Yoshio!
A new chapter of Teacher and Student has been completed!!!
"And lo, did the heavens open, and the cherubim and seraphim did sail through the sky singing the praises of Fayt and Yoshio..."
Ok, so that may seem a bit over the top, but really, this is the best thing I could have hoped to see when I visited your site today, Fayt. You may not care for Fuuga too much, but there are many of us who do, and we are very thankful that you and Yoshio have been sharing this. Thanks a lot for this one.
been waiting for this, thanks for this release :)
gaaaaaaaawwdddddd likkeee!!!!11111
I've been waiting forever for this story to continue lol. Thank you so much...ALOT
Thank you very much! =)
Thanks for your work. By the way, when next chapter will be ready?
I love this, its got so much story, I wouldnt say its hentai either mainly because its got such a story, and the sex scenes dont last too long which is good. There should be more of Teacher and Student and if he did them all... he should make more =D
hmmm why can't I download it properly everytime I try to download all that comes out are wierd sigs or pics not the manga :((
hmmmm I can't download it properly everytime it finishes the only thing that comes out are weird pics and sigs... why is that??
Whens the next release, its been a really long time!!!
When chapter 6? :<
2 questions:
Where is the 4th chapter?
Where is the 6th chapter?
Many thanks for making this :) when is the next one going out? :S
please do not drop this series, cmon people ^^
Thank u for ur efforts!
this is the RAW File
i have a feeling we wont be reading. so i hope tht feeling is wrong!
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