Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Poll and some stuff

Hey people,

Ok well I've posted a new poll under the chatbox. This poll is to decide the next tank I will work on after Readiness. I honestly can't make a decision myself, so I figured what the heck, make a poll for it. The top voted will be the next after readiness, and I'll choose the next book after that. The poll will be up until sunday, and at sunday I'll check it a see what the top voted is. UPDATE - check the donor projects section for raws and details which will help you decide on which one to vote for.

Also I wanna just thank a few people since I'm writing. First off many thanks to all the donators who have donated to the projects and even oneshot projects I've been doing. All my projects except for In Her Crack has been fully funded! I'm really happy to see that and thankful to all of you supporters. I also wanna thank the translators Brolen and DGB for providing me with scripts faster then I can edit lol and just for being a part of the projects I've put up. I gotta send out a special shoutout to Kakun (A fellow editor) also who has cleaned the scans for Azure Sky chap 4 for me, which saves me a crap load of time. Check out his blog for those who don't know him.

Hmm oh yeah, I was wondering if anybody out there has any cleaning experience, I wanna get chap 14 of sayuki cleaned because the scans have a lot of random black pixels and just need to be cleaned out. Unfortunetly there aren't any good scans of it so I have to clean it myself. If anybody can help me out with it, it will save me much needed time and I would really appreciate it, just send me an email and we can discuss it. Also Sayuki won't be part of the poll because its still an on-going series and chap 11 will be coming out soon, just hang on, I know it's been quite a while now since we've seen our beloved Yikiko.

About tomorrow's release, I think I'll just give a quick explaination on it here. Yamahime No Mi Satomi is actually an interesting story. It tells pretty much the same story but in 2 different views. The first part is the son's view and the second part is the mother's view. It's actually cool to see both sides of the story, its 2 different views on rage I guess you can say. Anyways tomorrow I'll release Satomi so for now vote and



Bluntobject said...

The 5 options will leave me blindly picking one of them since I don't know who the authors are and where to find raws to get a preview. I suspect most would vote after the title and not the content.

So, any chance you could put up some covers etc. to make the vote more deliberate?

Anonymous said...

Umm all of them are in the donor section.... lol those are all donor projects that have been fully funded.

Anonymous said...

we should maybe vote for some t.a.s. :) lol

Bluntobject said...

Disregard what I wrote then, I suck c*cks!

Anonymous said...

arrrgghhhh I don't want the loli selection to win >< or atleast it looked like a loli one